[quote]Итак господа, представляю вашему вниманию ИМХО лучший ShoutBox чат для IPB.
Inferno IPBShout Lite RU v2.5.1
Лицензия: Бесплатный
Язык: Русский (Перевел: Android)
Совместим: IPB 2.2.x и 2.3.x
Тестировалось на IPB 2.3.5
Всех не перечесть но попробуем:
1. бесплатный (лайт версия) и без копирайтов!
2. быстрый (код аждаксовского скрипта всего 25Кб и это еще без удаления пробелов и комментариев)
3. полностью русифицирован (я постарался, имхо довольно качественно перевел все от админки до фронтэнда).
4. Три механизма снижения нагрузки на создаваемой чатом сервер (расписывать, описание в админке есть).
5. Есть приваты!!! Кликнув по нику юзера можно открыть с ним приватный чат.
6. Юзабилити на высоте!
Вообщем это такойже чат как на нуледе только для ИПБ! Я произвел русификацию и исправил пару маленьких но обидных косяков а также немного переделал инструкцию по установке таких как фокусировка на строке отправки сообщений, кодировка в «акивных юзерах» и д.р. Я в восторге от этого чата. Описалово с офсайита читайте ниже…
Единственный недостаток имхо отсутствие отдельной странички с чатом, но это мона будет и самому доделать 😉 а так чат конфетка!
Есть даже желание купить про версию, вот только почитаю еще в чем хоть отличия… стоит 20 евросов.
Автор перевода и доработки:Android (nulled.ws)
От разработчиков чата:
[ITech] [AJAX] Inferno IPBShout Lite
Created By Inferno Technologies (_http://www.infernotechnologies.net)
Copyright 2004-2008
All rights reserved
Project Development Team: Zero Tolerance
Project Lead: Iain «Decado» Kidd
Support Forum: _http://forums.infernotechnologies.net/Infe…te-Sup-f27.html
Pro Version: _http://infernotechnologies.net/idx/infernoipnshout/
Screenshots: _http://infernotechnologies.net/screens.ipbshout.lite/
Demo: _http://forums.infernotechnologies.net/forums.html
Project Description
This is the latest version of Inferno IPBShout LITE, the free version of our Inferno IPBShout Pro product (see above link).
This version is supported, exclusively at our support forums.
* AJAX Shoutbox
* AJAX Shoutbox Active Users
* Formatting Options Saved
* Notices posted for most admin commands executed
* /prune command (admin only)
* /ban userid or username command (admin only)
* /unban userid or username command (admin only)
* /notice message (admin only) Assigns shoutbox notice
* /removenotive (admin only) Removes any assgned shoutbox notice
* On/off switch for the Shoutbox
* Enhanced Page Deployment — Place your shoutbox everywhere, and disclude from anywhere
* Editor Colours/Fonts editable
* Editor Position
* Shoutbox frame height
* Select which editor tools to display
* Select which BBCodes are allowed within the shoutbox
* Allow images in the shoutbox
* Allow smilies in the shoutbox
* Edit shoutbox notice (alternate to using command)
* Edit shoutbox banned users (alternate to using command)
* Idle Timeout (Seconds) — Set how many seconds before a user becomes idle in the shoutbox, this stops shoutbox updates
* Select Usergroups who can use admin commands
* Enter forum ID(s) which are exempt from new thread/reply shoutbox notices
* Archive System (view all shouts, see shout statistics, view top shouters)
* Shoutbox Lockdown Mode (Only 1 userid will be able to shout)
* Shouts To Display (How many shouts you want to display)
* Flood Control (Shouts cannot be posted after X seconds of shout)
* Use Normal Font Size (instead of using small font)
* Shout Listings Order (Show newest at top or bottom)
* Smilies To Show (set how many smilies you want to show)
* Maximum [SIZE] (Set the maximum size allowed for the [SIZE] tag)
* Protected Usergroups (cannot be banned)
* Disable Thread/Reply Notices
* Thread/Reply Notice Exemptions (Enter forum IDs to be exempt)
* AJAX Refresh Speed (Set how fast ajax will refresh)
* Smilies Menu
* Hide Shoutbox To UGs
Additional Features
The auto-idle system will drastically lower server load on sites with many users on at the same time. It allows you to automatically set the user to «idle» in the shoutbox, meaning the shoutbox will load shouts once, then idle the user until the click the unidle button or make a shout. Afterwards they will idle as normal (as set in the ACP).
Shoutbox Advanced Optimised Protocol
The Shoutbox AOP is a brand new feature that when turned on will dramatically cut server resources/bandwidth used by the shoutbox. Instead of the shoutbox refreshing every X seconds to check if there is new data, it will know when there is new data and only refresh then, meaning when there is no activity in the shoutbox, no resources will be consumed, or bandwidth.
Shoutbox Low Level Logging
The shoutbox low level logging system will provide you with a log of shout edits, deletes, bans, unbans, notices and remove notice commands. This will help you keep track of commands being used in the shoutbox. This can be turned off.
Private Message System
When clicking a username in the shoutbox, it will now open a new «tab» (This is a shoutbox tab, not a browser tab). In this tab you will be able to privately chat to the member where only they and you will see the messages. This helps split private chats and the main chat, and you can have as many private chats open as you like!
Zero Tolerance
Inferno Technologies Lead Developer[/quote]