HighSlide Img Hack By FrosT v.1.0.2
v.1.0.0 — первая версия. пробный релиз.
v.1.0.1 — Fixed overlay width issues with IE in quirks mode.
Fixed crash when no overlays and size reduced.
Fixed issues with empty caption/heading.
Fixed invisible heading/caption when opening Highslide on page load.
Fixed onAfterGetContent issue.
v.1.0.2 — Fixed Opera’s cancelling of keystroke events.
Fixed issue with spacebar and running slideshows.
Fixed bug in fade transitions and captions.
Fixed bug with crossfading HTML expanders.
Run hs.updateAnchors() internally on opening new galleries and on previous/next navigation.
Добавленно 3 дополнительный стиля в оформлении: frost_infernal_blue, frost_infernal_style, frost_infernal_vista
Инструкция в архиве!
ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ ! ! ! v.1.0.3
v.1.0.3 — Fixed viewport fitting bug when using heading and caption with HTML.
Worked around IE bug that caused «Operation aborted» error message when trying to open a Highslide image before the DOM was loaded.
Worked around bugs in Safari Fixed issue with lanuage string parsing backwards compatibility.
Fixed dimmer update in IE on moving expander below page.
Добавленн бб код, для организации любого контента в всплывающем окне