Kayako Support Suite 3.20.02 RUS

Kayako Support Suite 3.20.02 RUS

Kayako SupportSuite позволит вам организовать несколько видов помощи на вашем сайте, через e-mail, Онлаайн база вопросов, Чат, Суппорт через тикеты.

Key features of SupportSuite include:

* Clean and intuitive AJAX based interface
* Integration with Microsoft Active Directory® (LDAP), vBulletin™ and ModernBill™ among many other third-party applications
* Reliable live chat seamlessly through a client’s web browser
* ViewShare to Share a desktop view with a client via their web browser
* Integrated VoIP (SIP) functionality
* Robust SLA management, work schedules and escalation pathways
* Teamworking features for creating and sharing events, tasks and contacts
* Detailed reports and analysis
* Synchronization with Microsoft® Outlook®
* Integrate and synchronize with a Windows Mobile® device

Забрать: Kayako Support Suite 3.20.02 rus 

Прикреплённые файлы:
Файл: kayako.support.suite.3.20.02.rar
Размер: [2,19 Mb] (забрали: 78 раз)